I "discovered" an easy but silly way to create a sphere programmatically in XNA, it is very simple. The idea came to me when I wanted to create huge planets in XNA to make an endless map. Any way the method is very simple, I don't know If someone knows it or it was used before, but till now it is working and efficient. You can control the resolution or how "round" the sphere is.
The code is written in C# with microsoft's XNA 4.0.
Here is a high resolution sphere in wire frame:
The sphere contains 8100 vertices and 48600 indices.
public class Sphere { VertexPositionColor[] vertices; //later, I will provide another example with VertexPositionNormalTexture VertexBuffer vbuffer; short[] indices; //my laptop can only afford Reach, no HiDef :( IndexBuffer ibuffer;